Implanting Your Smile: Q and A on Dental Implant Surgery

According to recent studies, nearly 70% of American adults between 35 to 44 years old have at least one missing tooth for reasons ranging from tooth decay to dental fractures. A complete set of teeth does not just improve your physical appearance, but it also makes you feel more confident about yourself. This is why dentists advise their patients to obtain teeth-replacement procedures. One of these is dental implants.

Arlington Dental Team, a trusted group of family dentists in Alexandria, VA, gives some background on the most frequently asked questions regarding this excellent option:

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small, titanium posts placed surgically. These posts serve as substitutes to tooth roots. Generally, the bone bonds with the titanium within three to six months, creating a durable foundation for replacement teeth.

What are the Benefits of Having Dental Implants?

Dental implants can replace rows of old, damaged teeth and consequently improve smiles. They can help you regain or enhance your chewing capabilities. Since implants are installed where the tooth’s natural bone is, they end up being very much like real teeth and can strengthen the area around them. Perhaps best of all, they are long lasting and low-maintenance.

What Should I Expect?

Our implant dentists in Arlington, VA, share a rather detailed set of expectations for an implant surgery:

  1. Pre-surgery

    We will perform a review of your complete dental and medical history forms, obtain complete x-rays of your teeth and mouth, and take a comprehensive oral exam. Afterward, we will lay out a plan tailored to your situation. We will also mold the implants following the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth.
  2. During Surgery

    For the site preparation, a small hole is prepared in the bone by making small incisions (“gum flaps”) for visualization of the bone’s shape and location. We drill the gum area until the size of the site is enough to accommodate the implant. We will then place the implant and check if the position is accurate. X-rays are generally taken during or after the procedure to verify the implant’s position.
  3. Post-Surgery

    The last step is the closure of the gum flap tissues. We usually use self-absorbing sutures so that you won’t have to come back to the clinic for their removal. Completing the entire procedure will take some time. You will have to make changes to your diet in accordance with the healing process. You might have to wait until the implant completely bonds with the bone before attaching the replacement teeth.

We are conveniently located just outside the Falls Church area. We will be more than happy to assist you for possible implant work. Give us a call today at (703) 524-0288 to schedule a dentist’s check-up in Falls Church, VA.