Tips on Caring for Your Teeth and Keeping Them Healthy

Keeping your smile beautiful means you need to practice good oral hygiene. This prevents a variety of medical problems, including gum disease, infection, and more. It also ensures that your teeth remain healthy and strong.

Arlington Dental Team provides the following tips on caring for your teeth:

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

As the leading family dentist in Arlington, VA, we advise patients to brush their teeth properly. This removes plaque and bits of food from your teeth, and prevents your gums from irritation and infection. Place your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gums and move it back and forth. Use gentle and tooth-wide strokes. Brush your outer tooth surfaces, the chewing surfaces, and the inner tooth surfaces. be sure to include the inside surfaces of your front teeth. Brush your tongue, as well.

Floss Once a Day

Flossing is also important because it removes bits of food from between your teeth. These spots can be hard to reach with a toothbrush. Break off about 18 inches of floss, wind it around your middle fingers, and hold it tightly. Guide the floss between your teeth. When it reaches your gum line, curve the floss into a c-shape against one tooth. Hold the floss against the tooth and gently scrape it against the side.

It is equally important to clean around the edges of any implants, crowns, or bridges. This can be difficult using traditional floss, however. We suggest going to our dentist office in Arlington, VA, where we can provide you with more information and specialized flosses.

Visit Your Dentist Every Six Months

Finally, schedule a regular dental appointment and cleaning. Our dentists use innovative dental technology to ensure that your mouth is as healthy as possible. They can also diagnose and treat oral problems. Early detection and treatment can help maintain your beautiful smile. When you schedule a dentist appointment in Arlington, VA, we will do our best to make the experience as convenient as possible. Our patients always come first, so we offer after-work and early appointment hours.

With these tips, you can have strong, healthy, and beautiful teeth. Arlington Dental Team is passionate about the health of your teeth, and we educate our patients about the best ways to preserve their smiles. We specialize in cosmetic, restorative, and general dentistry and we customize our treatment plans for our patients. Call us at (703) 563-4419 to learn more tips on caring for your teeth. You can also schedule an appointment.