5 Signs You Need Dental Implants

Your smile is the best accessory you can wear. Missing a tooth affects not only your oral health but also your self-confidence. This problem also interferes with your daily activities, such as chewing and even talking.

To help you regain your confidence and maintain your oral health, the Arlington Dental Team offers dental implants as a solution to this problem. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root surgically placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Our implant dentists in Arlington, VA, discuss five signs you need this great option.

1. You Have a Severely Chipped Tooth or Missing Teeth.

When ordinary means to restore broken tooth don’t work, we recommend having dental implants. These ensure security, comfort, and aesthetic appeal for you. They are usually made of ceramic and titanium materials to look like natural teeth. Their durability allows you to eat, talk, or laugh without having to worry that they may crack or loosen.

2. You Have Ill-Fitting Dentures.

Their permanent affixation on your oral cavity ensures your peace of mind. Unlike dentures, you will not have to fear that they may fall out while you are eating or laughing. You can also brush and floss them as you would your natural teeth. Furthermore, they do not require frequent replacements.

3. You Have Bone Loss in Your Jaw Area.

Jawbone deterioration gives you a sunken-in appearance, which can also lessen your confidence. According to our family dentists in Alexandria, VA, implants promote osseointegration, a process that enables implant roots to stimulate jawbone growth. This ensures a lower chance of bone loss over time.

4. You Have Difficulties When Eating.

Missing teeth can place uneven stress on your remaining teeth when you chew. It also exposes root surfaces that are full of nerve-endings. This leads to increased sensitivity to hot and cold food or beverages. It may also lead to uneven smiles or face shape.

5. You Have an Infected Tooth That Causes Severe Pain.

We may resort to dental extraction for severely infected teeth. In order to prevent problems arising from missing a tooth, we may recommend dental implant procedure afterward. They do not rely on neighboring teeth, so there is no risk of decay to other sound teeth.

During a dentist’s check up in Falls Church, VA, our dentist will look for these signs to determine if dental implants are the right solution for you. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits, they may last for years.

If you have any further questions on dental implants, call us at (703) 563-4419. You may also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.